Lulea, Sweden
(Happy Birthday, Grandma!)
Today was our last day of rotation EVER! Yay!
We started out by heading to the university to meet with a PhD student who works in the lab with Sitaram. He showed us the spray drying technique that they use to convert crystalline liquids into powders. Then he showed us DSC and XRD. I'm not exactly sure what the DSC stands for, but it's some form of quality control that they perform for their experiments. XRD is and xray diffraction machine that helps to indentify substances--sort of like a fingerprint for the substance.
After lunch, Katarina picked us up and took us to this store where they sell the material to make Sami jewelry. I got some pretty rings and bought some material and pewter thread to try to make a braclet of my own.
Then Katarina dropped us off at the hotel. After we rested for awhile, we got some ice cream from the Blue Goose in the Strand Mall (best ice cream in Lulea, I think). I am a big fan of the Emma milkshake. Then we walked around for awhile.
We went to eat dinner at the pasta place Sitaram took us yesterday.
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