17 April 2010
Stockholm, Sweden
Malardrottningen Yacht
Riddarholmen, Gamla Stan
Today has been a good day thusfar. Got up and had the usual fabulous breakfast buffet, then checked out of the hotel. We got to leave our stuff behind the desk while we set off to finish up our sightseeing in Stockholm.

We started off with a visit to some souvenir shops to pick up some items that I'd been wanting to get for the fam. Then we waited around until the Apoteket Korpen which is an old pharmacy on the island of Gamla Stan. It was very neat and had some old pharmacy preparation items. However, it had been at least partially remodeled. I took some photos to share.
After visiting the pharmacy, we set off to finish up our Royal Palace visits at the Tre Kronor Museum. This is one of the three Royal Palace Museums that you can see as part of a package. The Tre Kronor (or Three Crowns) Museum tells about the history of the original palace that stood where the current palace now stands. There is a single wing of the current palace which was part of the original. The original palace was burnt in a fire. There's a lot of neat stuff in this museum which explains the purpose of defense walls and demonstrates various areas that were important for palace life. Sadly, no photos were allowed in here either, but it was a neat place to visit, nonetheless.

From here, we got directions on how to get to the Drottningholm Palace which is where the royal family actually lives. We were originally planning to take the ferry from City Hall to Drottningholm, but we found out that the faster route was via Tunnelbana and bus. The Drottningholm Palace was a much more liveable palace and also very beautiful. We toured around the inside of it, and there are some really beautiful rooms. My favorite was the Queen Lovisa Ulrika's bedroom which is decorated in a lot of blue and gold.

After this, we walked around the castle where we saw the Royal Theater. We did not go into this museum for the sake of time (and Josh's hunger). I did drag him to see the Kina Slott (or Chinese Pavilion) which is a pretty far walk through the Drottningholm Palace park behind the palace and through the woods. This also afforded us a very lovely view of the back of the palace, and the walk would have been gorgeous if the trees were in bloom.

The Chinese Pavilion was very colorful, though not open. There was also a small cafe which served waffles, but we wanted to eat something more substatial.

We traveled back via bus and T-bana to Sodermalm where we found a little place which reminded us a lot of Jalla (both in menu and in price!). I got a pizza that was very similar to the one I had back in Uppsala, and Josh had some pasta. I'm saving the rest of my pizza for the train tonight just in case they don't serve food or the food isn't good.

After this, we walked around a bit, and took one last trip to our konditori. Josh had the apple pie and ice cream dessert to the right, and I had the berry mousse I had the other day. Yum! (The Apoteket AB people gave us pedometers. I guess they're trying to give us a hint?) Now we're back where we began at the hotel, taking up space in the lobby until it's time to head out for the train. I doubt there will be wi-fi on the train, so I probably won't get to update again until we're in Lulea where our hotel will hopefully have wi-fi included.

Soder means south =) I wanted this shirt, but the store was closed when we went by =/
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